
Flemish Fund for Tropical Forests

The Flemish Fund for Tropical Forests gives financial support to projects concerning the conservation, sustainable management and restoration of forests, mainly in South America. The objective of these projects is biodiversity conservation, climate change mitigation and adaptation, and socio-economic development of local populations.

Project in progress
Diversificatie van bosbeheer voor meer veerkracht van rurale families in een corridor van beschermde gebieden in Pando, Bolivia
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Project in progress
Bescherming van ecosysteemfuncties in kleine waterbekkens belangrijk voor biodiversiteit en mensen, op de zuidflank van het nationaal park Tunari
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Completed project
Management of the Yanesha community reserve
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Completed project
Sustainable tea from the Ecuadorian Amazon
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Project in progress
Co-administration Amarakaeri community reserve
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Community surveillance for the socio-ecological monitoring of the Waorani territory: development of a platform for informed decision making.
  1. To strengthen the Waorani organizations and communities technically and organizationally. We focus on participatory and integrated territorial management, independent monitoring of the management of natural resources and illegal trade in wild resources through the implementation of a social-ecological platform.
  2. The implementation of a social-ecological platform for the monitoring of forests and wildlife in the territory of Waorani.
  3. Development of a strategy to reduce bushmeat trade, with emphasis on efficient educational communication and management of economic alternatives.



Asociación de Mujeres Waorani – AMWAE

Land and region
provinces of Napo, Pastaza and Orellana
60.000 ha ha
nvt ha
Number of beneficiary families
656 families
Number of trained persons
19 persons
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Completed project
Boliviaanse Tacana jongeren schakelen versnelling hoger in duurzaam beheer van hun bossen
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VFTB in numbers
Since 2002 the Fund has supported 65 projects

Chaikuni Institute during the Peruvian lockdown

Chaikuni - Schattig kindje maart 2020 2 - Véronique Gérard.JPG11 December, 2020 The pandemic hasn't made the work of the Chaikuni Institute any easier. Yet, they still managed to push through. A report. More

34.745 ha communal reserve in Peru: one step closer to sustainable management

terreinbezoek04 August, 2017 During two years the Flemish fund for Tropical Forests has supported a project from the local organization DRIS in and around the communal reserve Yanesha. These are the results. The communal ... More

Terrain visit at the Waorani community: between craft and modern technology

ECU_Wao_2017_chakra110 April, 2017 Project manager Debbie Eraly of BOS+ visits Gareno, one of the biggest Waorani-communities in the Ecuadorian Amazone. This is her report. More

Tea of the Amazon: A site visit with the RUNA Foundation

ECU_RUNA_Ishpingohoedjes27 October, 2016 We all know cinnamon – the taste of cookies in december, the decoration on your latte – but who has ever heard of Ecuadorian (or American) cinnamon? Like the ‘Azian cinnamon’, that is more common ... More

“We thought this was lost ground”

IBIF - San Rosario05 December, 2014 "Traditionally, this was waste land," says Debbie Eraly, while she points at a young forest, "Now is the future." We are in Lomerío, Santa Cruz, Bolivia, where a year ago the Chiquitano's started ... More