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The Flemish Fund for Tropical Forests launches, through its secretary BOS+ Tropics, a new call for proposals for funding from 2022 onwards. All information (in Spanish and Dutch) will be available as of 10 June 2021 onwards. 

Project proposals, formulated following the directives and formats provided, have to be completed online through Survey Legend no later than 2 August at 23h59 (Ecuadorian time).

The Flemish Fund for Tropical Forests (FFTF, Vlaams Fonds voor Tropisch Bos) is supporting projects focused on conservation, sustainable management and recovery of forests and páramo in Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru and Suriname since 2003. The objective of these projects is to conserve biodiversity, support socio-economical development of the local population and to mitigate climate change as well as develop and implement adaptation mechanisms.

Through means of the Flemish government, environmental office, Flanders would like to take their international responsibility by providing funds for tropical forest conservation and páramos.

Since this year we observe an important change as to previous calls. For the first time we are introducing a procedure consisting of two phases. First of all a concept note needs to be presented. This note has to be brief and clear and focus on eligibility and selection criteria. Only the highest scoring proposals will be eligible to submit a complete project proposal. These complete proposals may be improved based on questions and comments from phase one. As an annex to this call, we also include the Assessment memorandum that will be used for the evaluation of each proposal in each phase.

Since we only accept proposals from Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador and Surinam, please check the Spanish and Dutch pages for the information on the presentation of a project.
